December 2024 – news                                                         Home

There’s no doubt about it, 2024 has been the strangest of years – who knew there could be so much rain on our lush and lovely shores – yet here we are again, looking forward to spending time with friends and family and indulging in way too much yummy food. On which note, check out our fun seasonal sweet treats below! 

Above: the results from Toy Day, 2023 Thanks! 

Right: the Dream Team in action, Jack and Thomas, you’re the best.

At the practice…

CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR opening times:
We will be closed from Monday, December 23rd for the Christmas break. Jo will be working on December 27, then starting her usual schedule on January 3rd, 2025. Estelle – and the practice – will be fully open on January 2nd, 2025.

TOY DAY details are here.
requests are here.

Practice Images: Estelle Zauner-Maughan

Christmas Sparkles from

Not only is it Christmas, we also have our much loved Toys (and food) for Adjustment Day on December 4th. Your donations are already rolling in and being sorted by the Dream Team who have been doing a sterling job. As ever, our thanks go out to all of you who continue support us and if you are looking to join in, please contact us as soon as possible.

Wishing you the merriest of times this Christmas!

Seasonal Sweet Treats

Much as we love a traditional Christmas pudding, these easy treats make a lighter – and healthier – option.  

Snow Balls

65 grams cashews
35 grams desiccated coconut (plus extra for the snow)

2 tablespoons rice malt syrup

Half a teaspoon vanilla powder and a pinch of salt

Blitz all the above in a food processor until really fine, adding a dash of water if the mixture feels like won’t roll into a ball. Divide into 16 balls. Next, grease your hands with a little coconut oil and roll the balls in extra desiccated coconut to create the snow.

Chocolate-spice baubles

Using the same ingredients, repeat the above, but
this time add half a teaspoon of cinnamon or mixed spice, but roll the balls in 70% cocoa powder until completely coated.

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