February 2024 | What’s going on…                                                 Home

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Indian Bubble and Squeak

Here’s a fantastic quick-cook supper for cold nights, an adaption of a Hairy Bikers recipe. Use any vegetables, or even leftovers, and serve with rice.

Images: Pixabay/Estelle Zauner Maughan

Chop a mix of root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, swede), about 400 grams in total. Steam until almost cooked while chopping 200gms of mixed greens (cauliflower, sprouts, spinach) then add those to the steamer for 2 minutes. In a separate pan, fry a large onion in olive or coconut oil, adding 1 teaspoon each of ground turmeric, cumin and garam masala. Add a chilli if you like spicy foods. Stir in all the vegetables, season with salt and pepper, add little water if it is sticking and allow the mix to continue cooking until done.

Over the last month or so, we realised many of you are interested in what each of us does in our daily lives, both in and away from the practice. Sometimes, we are simply focussed of work, at other times we are off exploring our other passions. 

Estelle went to the Big Smoke (London) a couple of weeks ago to take part in a seminar aimed at Women in Chiropractic. As a profession, chiropractic runs at a 50/50 female to male ratio, a rare statistic. Speakers from a variety of backgrounds discussed the roles of women as small business owners in the healthcare system with time for the participants to share ideas and tips on techniques. 

The overwhelming theme was that all woman should be encouraged to break with the mainstream, be strong and touch base with those on the same wave length. This type of thinking has always been the belief at NC and Estelle is proud that her entire team has had the opportunities for a good work/life balance. It also seems that our male/female ratio knocks the socks of many other businesses, so we will just mention Paul, our newest assistant, who adds a bit of male balance to our days. We will be chatting to him soon.

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