February 2025 | What’s going on… Home
How is it nearly Valentine’s Day already? May you be showered with love, but perhaps not too much chocolate? At least the healthier choice of Dark.
Recently at the practice, we have been looking more into diet. Our height and weight is often used to calculate our BMI (body mass index) but that doesn’t take into account individual ages, activity levels and muscle mass or skeletal build. Even the man who invented BMI isn’t sure of its reliability as a health marker.
Looking at our metabolic health (if you like, how efficient our engine is at using fuel), modern health has been driven by a lifetime of eating too much food that breaks down to sugar and bad fats, along with ‘fake’ or ‘ultra processed’ foods, which can lead to Metabolic Syndrome – a group of health problems that put you at risk of type 2 diabetes among other chronic health problems.
Current thinking is that dementia could even be labelled as type 3 diabetes. This is because our nervous system cell structure is particularly vulnerable to damage.
Without getting too complicated, a simple way to look at your risk
of metabolic illness is if your waistline is above 35 inches (women)
or 40 inches (men), you are more likely to have abdominal or visceral fat which is a sign our engines (metabolism) are struggling.
If our waist/hip ratio (waist measurement divided by our hip measurement) is approaching 1 (or indeed over 1!!!!) we are on
a path to metabolic illness.
At the practice
Estelle is currently doing a course on metabolic health, especially around ageing as women. Please feel free to ask questions if you would like to know more.
The practice lost a few tiles during storm Éowyn. Please bear with us as our roof is repaired. There may be scaffolding to negotiate as you come to see us.
For inspiration on natural ways to improve your wellbeing, visit our sister site, Living Naturally
Image: Pixabay.com
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