May 2023 - news Home
Salt and pepper, peaches and cream… chiropractic and massage! It might surprise you to know that chiropractic care also works well with other therapies and in particular massage. While we ensure your physical structure is straight and balanced, helping to restore normal function, massage therapy focusses on your muscles relaxing again. After (sometimes years!) of supporting a wonky body, your muscles might need a bit of extra encouragement to let go and give.
Massage is also great at reducing stress, increasing blood flow and reducing blood pressure to name a few added benefits. You can benefit from a massage before or after your adjustments and some of our clients like a regular appointment between their maintenance adjustments to keep them going.
We have been really pleased that the wonderful Mandy Whelan has joined our team as our onsite masseur. She is currently working on Thursday afternoons and you can book in with her here.
At the practice –––>
Our Easter colouring competition proved to be as much fun as ever and we were impressed by all the creativity winging it’s way around the practice.
Congratulations to Julie, Isla and Bobby who have been presented with the best chocolate eggs, from Gareth James.
Images: Zauner Maughan/ Julie, Isla and Bobby
And finally, we bid a fond farewell to Vanessa. She has been an integral part of our team for many years and we shall miss her even as we wish her well in her new endeavours
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