Tynemouth's premier chiropractic care facility

Contacting us

Drop us a message below and we will get back to you or you can make an appointment using our appointment form.

Please fill in all fields marked * or we may not get the form.

Name: *


Email: *

Phone number/s                        


Preferred contact method?            


Have you visited us before?           

Have you been referred:              

Message - please let us know why you are getting in touch:  

Please note that by submitting this form you are giving us permission to contact you using the methods listed above. Your details will be held on our database but will not be passed to third parties at any other time. 

You will be added to our email newsletter, which will keep you appraised of events and important information. You can unsubscribe at any time.

There is more information on our privacy policies on this page.

Do you have a specific question regarding chiropractic treatment?

We we would love to be able to help you, but we can't give advice on your personal treatment unless we have seen you to make a suitable assessment. 

Naturally Chiropractic:  1a St Oswins Place, Tynemouth NE30 4RQ

t: 0191 259 6777  | e: info@naturallychiropractic.co.uk